Make me LOL

The man who make me feel better just thinking about him, cause his sence of humor is limitless and timeless!
Just listening to his audience make me lol!
Here is my favorite performance of One and Only EDDIE IZZARD

I was feeling much smarter before they make computers,  now I look every day like this:

This is the best of him...a show that is mix of history, religion and down to earth human jokes!

The other man who make me LOL till my belly hurt...
Here is the scene that show how strong is the human need for survival, and how it trump over any ideological notion of glory, patriotism or sacrifice...In a manner that is so telling...

Now...let see what the future hold for Us...
The Star War came up when I was little...then again when my kids were little...
The story of Faith & Love...
In this case...a story of down to Earth old fashioned laugh...
Till tears run my face...