Tuesday, April 10, 2012

STARVE THE BEAST, WE CAN ALL PLAY THE HUNGER GAMES...On ways our Political Establishment manipulate it's own people

We witnessing astonishing spectacle...
Election after election, Republicans and Democrats are competing between each other to please Corporate America...
When the curtain fall in 2008 and left the banking system naked affront of our eyes caught in cheating frenzy with Wall Street in the back room, soak in orgy of mysterious bundle deal on the edge of legality, our Congress run to save them in a speed of light...that was some political expediency of the highest order...
It was a dark legacy of the current Republican President, as well as the whole two Party Establishment that cheer lead economic policies who bring us to that sorry point...last three decade of same politics...with signature of a blue Democratic President if we may say, to be fair to the truth...
Someone will think that was a wake up call for our elected officials of both Party, who will put their finger on their forehead and stop to think a little...but no, they didn't...
While our political Establishment fall over backwards to save Wall Street, the misery follow so many of our Fellow Americans who were loosing their jobs like in a whirlpool...
Did the misery stop after we change the name of our political leadership in DC from red into blue?...Did we change the course? What did we accomplish since then...
Democrats win, but then they sold or watter down in compromises almost all the high hopes we as people were fighting for in 2008 political race...
They lost the midterm election so badly cause of it, our Congress get filled with newcomers under the banner of Tea Party...so happy we switch the colors again...from blue into red this time...
Silly rabbits...tricks are for kids...
Maybe some people need update...yes, the Tea Party did not bring change, they just fill someone else shoes in the process...
Upcoming election, the spectacle get new dramatic turn...
Lies we are accustom to hear election after election yet again begin to unfold affront of our eyes...
Promises of better tomorrow...promises of jobs...promises of prosperity...promises of change...promises, promises...
Pattern we are suck into like flies on a lantern in the nite...
Republican promises...
Democratic promises...
Why the charade? They are just promises...
Did we learn the lesson? How many of us wake up to the reality that there is a little difference between both Party establishment, small little fact that they serve one and the same master: Corporate America...
Our wishes, our aspiration, our dreams, our sole opinion matter so little that is pure blind faith that prevent us to see the Truth...
Do we really need another poll to show us that majority of us believe the burden of taxes should be carried by the most wealthy among us...like that top 1% wealthy American...
Who is more pathetic, the democrats who are so gutless and are able to only beg Bush tax cuts to  expire, or Republican who scream Armageddon for pitiful 4% marginal tax increase!
Do we need another poll to tell us that majority of American don't believe our military should be involved in any War, anywhere in the world...yet wars go on, even we are so deep in debt that we are on the edge of default as a Nation...
Do we need another poll to tell us all the things that majority of us live trough day in and day out?
When we will face the reality: majority don't count...our opinion don't count...our political structure is set to serve those who send them in Washington DC, as well as in any local and judicial office all over our 50 states?
So what can we do as people?
What can we do to change anything, to change the pattern that lead us to hunger games year after year...we do pay tribute to our decadent Rich elected and their sponsors...we do sacrifice our kids to them as offer, cause we send them into the same path of indoctrination that they may win next round and move to the shiny city on the hill...
We play the hunger games generation after generation for so long...we just lived in illusion that we didn't.
Aware or not...many of us start waking up...we just don't know who is out of the bubble yet...
Occupy Wall Street was the first step...
Now we need to turn to the second...
See...this system of ours perpetuate one after another illusion...one of them is called democracy...
Corporate America sale this illusion to us for so long that we all as people, we defacto can participate into decision making process, pure illusion Corporate America integrate so much into our core belief system, not realizing that they created their ultimate demise...
Cause Democracy is the ultimate flaw of this cruel system that place profit before people...
In a democracy every person vote count...
In a democracy the will of the people count...
In a democracy everything is possible...
That is why the Corporate two Party Establishment is peddling vicious propaganda of disfranchising more of us using any scarecrow possible...all the wage issues are in display: sex, race, religion, economy, anything to separate, to confuse or divide us as majority into small groups that will be easy to control.
Our very souls are on the line...
The system wanna preserve it's status affront of rising Conscience among people in every walk of life that somehow its just don't work for them...
The division, the polarization went so far that work as centrifuge...1% and 99% is just about right numeric unbalance...
Society tend to balance, no matter how unequal it is, or it will be swept into a social revolution...
Last time this numbers play a role in a Society, they lighten a royal family..for their heads...
We are not such savages...
We evolve since then...
Beside...we can vote...

Its time to set the goal straith:
We should never ever let anyone who resemble Scot Walker to run a state...
We should never ever let anyone who resembe Paul Ryan to craft a budget that will undercut the future well being of our kids and our elderly...
We should never ever let a Party that undermine half of us, the female part of us, to ever gain majority in any state of federal house, and craft any Laws ever again...
We should let that same Party to pack their coffers and get on fast track back to 18 Century where they actually belong...
Maybe Republicans, as well as the Wigs before them, have their role in our political life, but their time expire...
It's 21 Century...we need to board a fast train that will take us on the journey of progress with our eyes set into future, we don't wanna go back, not a year back, much less couple of Centuries back...
The future is not the politics of "Starve the beast" that's the past...
The future is digital, green, nano...and it's already among us...
The future is between Democrats who still believe that they can tame the Market bubbles with regulations and Progressives who believe that better Society is possible...
Sad to say this, but Republicans as political force are so insignificant for the future, that I don't even wanna mention their candidate hopeful...
It's over for GOP...
They just don't know it yet..
But they will...
Democracy is the people tool for change...and no one, no money or man can't take that away from us...


  1. Hi Marie:

    I am pleased to say, despite your somewhat fractured English, your passion and your principles come across loud and clear. I think we see eye-to-eye on just about everything, including the role of the Occupy Movement, the nostalgic, emotional appeal of Monsieur Guillotine's device, and the future insignificance of the Republican Party.

    You mention a couple of other things I think are significant. The role of digital democracy is going to change everything . . . one way or another. There is surely a grand battle taking place between those who support an open Internet (Net Neutrality) and those who would control our ability to communicate and, therefore, collaborate.

    I think it's difficult to say for certain how this will work out. However, being ever the optimist I'm reasonably certain the will of the people will ultimately prevail. The Internet is unquestionably married to the concept of political and economic freedom. Any restriction on our access, or use of, the Internet must surely be seen as a restriction on our Freedom.

    Thanks for making sure I saw this. As I learned in Cuba many years ago, "Hasta la victoria siempre. Venceremos!"

  2. Marie,
    I really love your passion and pretty much agree with most of what you've written, however I vehemently disagree that we should take satisfaction in the so called demise of the Republican Party. Not so. Republicans are relentless, focused, and much more organized than Progressives could ever hope to be and have made tremendous gains over the last 40 years, or so and right now is simply going for broke in it's attempt to destroy the Democratic Party. They were well-positioned to do it after GWB won in 2000, but they were a little too greedy and missed their opportunity badly, that time. Now they are back and armed with Citizens United are using bucks instead of bullets or ballots to overthrow a largely impotent government of a distracted and disinterested people by buying courts and legislatures at the state and local level. They already own SCOTUS, have compromised Congress, and has isolated POTUS until they can again make a bid for the entire US Govt. Be very wary.

    1. I agree...im just motivational speaker...Im well aware of the power Republican wage over people, cause im well aware of the fallability of individual human to be sold for a few extra pocket change...
      We must focus on those of us who understand the reality that is at stake...
      Thank you for your comment, hoppefully my reply is not too late...
