Monday, October 25, 2010

THE SAND IN THE WHEEL, THE SAND OF TIME: On Corporate Media control of the message: We need a New Era of Enlightenment!

Conservatism  style of politics that subscribe on "Free Market Economy" is on the rise all over the Western World!
They win the last elections in England, they rule Germany, they dominate European council, they are everywhere and each time they win any seat anywhere, they stand like one for the tax cuts, tax brakes, less Government spending:
Lets deal with the deficit kind of questionable goal!
They did not miss to deliver all the goodies to their Patrons over the years, elections after elections,  and now the shortfall in the budgets all over European States is calling for balancing the different national budgets, and guess where they looking for the money?
Cuts of People benefits...Yeah...
How lame...

Yet there is sound of silence that is coming from Europe!
The limited news that are coming from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean are nothing but the silenced voices of the European people that are taking their issues on the streets all over the main land: Belgium, Greece, Spain and France!
In Brussels they come affront the European Headquarters, but not once any of the Corporate Media went among them bringing us first hand information about the cause that send them marching!
France is marching a whole week...
Unions...the American news said...
Unions...word said with so much contempt, they ask something for nothing, and all the name calling fill the radio airs with the acid vitriol like hatred...

The dawn of The New Millennium... 21 Century!
Workers accomplish so much in the 20 Century, so I thought it is natural to feel gratitude, to understand where the help is coming from, but no, Little did I know about the American State of the Unions!
To say they were not popular, ha...not funny... not funny at all...

Yet when I was living in Europe we use to celebrate  1 st of May, call May day, the first weekend of May, and the whole State was on a picnic in nearby parks, national recreation aria or the mountain slops, whenever we could find a spot to make a barbecue...
It was one of the best holidays of the years: lots of good food, outdoor games, families fun national!
Paradise for kids...
When the lunch stretch into a diner, and the adults raise the glasses with the words:
- For the Americans...God bless their souls...
- For the Americans...and someone of the youngest kids will ask:
- Why the Americans?
- Cause they wash the street with their blood!- and there come the story In Memoriam of the Hay market massacre in Chicago 1886...
Depending of who was telling the story, kids and adults will usually cry at the end of it filed with empathy for the fallen workers in a country far, far a way, long long a go...
Every May Day we hear the story again and each May day it was touching to hear it a new, so we will never forget how hard we get what we have...

Here in America I was asking my coworkers, none ever heard of the story at all...

Corporate did the homework: erase and diminish the role of the People History in the memories of the ordinary Americans with the day in and day out control of the Corporate news channels, and I do believe they are all Corporate, even those who hold the banner of Internet Independent so call Progressives Media, who never really scratch the surface beyond a deep sympathy or a tap on the shoulders of the workers...
The middle class for them is those people just below the rich, high, high middle class.
They preach to them the Gospel of small business entrepreneurship, high tech solution and world investment navigation!

How did I get this conclusion?
Because the Public Opinion is overwhelmingly against the Unions, which means their never raise any protective levy against the Corporate America, never keep the torch of Historical People Accomplishments burning a New in the mind of their readers...
With one word: They failed!

It is easier to join the winners, it is much easier to swim with the tide, it is much easier...

On those pages we dont do that...

So we will ask the following question:

Did We Human Accomplish enough in our Human History especially from the Industrial Revolution in the 18 Century until today, so we can afford to take care of the youngest, the oldest and the neediest among us?
And my answer is without a reasonable doubt:
Yes We did!

The other questions that boggle the mind is:

Why can't we provide then Highest Education, Strong Safety Net, Decent Retirement and Universal Health Care to all of us?
And it is a question for the Whole World, not just United States!
The answer is:

There is no Unity of the voices: they are separated in all kind of different movement without a correlation between them, ergo, they are easily manipulated, silenced and marginalised just enough to be there like a pluralistic point of views, but not enough to bring a real change...

The Will of the People come very strong when the tragedy struck anywhere on the Globe, People are able to stand together in solidarity of the misfortune areas due to a Natural disaster, but those attempt never intervene with the Corporate World!

- As long as they stay out of the radius of Interest, they can flourish,  but Corporate World will fiercely defend and crush every attempt of the people that  come to close to their profits...

- Cause all of this issues all over the world are a matter of better usage of the existing Human and Material Resources, not a question of do ability or affordability!

Education, Retirement, Social Security and Health Care are the Four Pillars of Human Accomplishment of Generations and Generations of Humans, pass onto us for  free starting with our ancestors who were keeping the fire burning days and nights to save them from cold or predators, until the marvels of the modern nanotechnologies that is a result of cumulative passing of the scientific knowledge of a Humans from every corner of the world!
- It is our duty to give that Knowledge to the next Generation of Humans without discrimination of the color of their skin, or the part of the World they coming from, sex they belong to, or genetic pull that make them look differently!

- We need a new Era of Enlightenment!

Today Implement of the Knowledge give Us such a technological advantage that we can Produce multiple times more then every Generation before basically combine together! We came a long way from a hunters and fruits gatherer, and yet those primitive societies were taking  care of their young, old,  and sick, while we today are counting our dimes every couple of years!

- We Humans produce enough to support our youngest, our oldest and our sick members of our Society!
- Economy is not our limits!
- The political will that is shaping our economic system is!

If we  spread the expenses of The Need of Society to all of the people proportionally to their Wealth, which   means  no cap on the contributions, so the wealthy instead in Charitable Foundations or charitable organisations put the money into the Budget of their domain country, it will be more then enough to cover the need for for all of us, even in the poorest countries in the World!

- If the World Income is a Cake, then the Solutions to the World Problems are the way we cut the Cake, not the frosting we have on the top of it!

When we get our mind around that simple logic, then we will see that GOP and the Conservatives all over  the World are trowing sand in the Wheel of History, they wont us to go backward in the Dark Corners of our conscience,off the city streets lights and worm ourselves under the bridges, work sixteen hours a day and get drunk out of tiredness in the end of the week like we still subscribe to their 18 Century Conscience barely above the Slaves Owners Mentality!
That sand of time pass long a go...
Who ever start firing that day in Chicago 1886 also trow a sand in the Wheel of History and postpone the inevitable:
People that die that day on the Hay markets, they march so we today will have eight hours work day, it took a leader like FDR to sigh the Will of the People into a Law of the Country!

Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy, all being officials of the States were having an opportunity to listen and better the lives of their own People, but instead they turn the light off, and that is how the History will remember them...
Peons in the hand of the Corporate World...