Saturday, July 18, 2015


  1. #2014 will be imperative election.We will see how many ppl subdue to abuse last few years,their impeccable PR War will come to fruition
  2. Each & every time a person who is disrespected & humiliated hang to his abuser he shows he deserve nothing better. is political abuser
  3. How many time workers need to hear how they are greedy and worthless when they barely meet their bills, yet so many vote for !
  4. Why do veteran vote ?How many time slash their benefits & refuse to lift them up after they return home from Wars & they're loyal?
  5. What do woman want? Why woman on min wage dont vote? How many time will say loud & clear they will note raise min wage?
  6. Despite the overwhelming evidence what work on the road to recovery we are still divided on every step of the way...what is it that we want?
  7. We live in a crises last 6Y!We came fast to the rescue of the banks & their wealthy shareholders and we stall help to everyone ever since
  8. Something is profoundly wrong with a Party that chose lies in order to win each and every time come election time...& betray every promise
  9. Something is profoundly wrong with ppl who live in the past & deny their presence with ppl long dead as their anchors who hold them in place
  10. There is something profoundly wrong with ppl who live in the past...who hang to quotes from dead ppl as & ignore the living around them
  11. On every issue that truly belong to 21 Century the choice is clear:vote democrat...not because they are spotless or perfect, but up to date!
  12. If you care for woman right, minority right, workers right,LGBT right,if civil right matter to you,your choice is limited to only one Party
  13. If you care for climate change you have only one political option, only one side acknowledge climate change is man made & fixable problem
  14. If you care for income inequality you definitely should vote for Democrats, cause keeping low min wage is what create income inequality!
  15. If you wanna retire with a guarantee income as supplement to your saving then vote for democrats, they created SS & they will protect it!
  16. If you care for America World reputation vote for democrats cause playing fast & furious may be a good movie but it's bad politics!
  17. If you care for Science you should definitely vote for Democrats,cause creationism is not something you want your child to waste his time on
  18. If U care for the deficit or our national debt you should vote for democrats...they do arithmetic when budgeting & have proven fiscal record
  19. If you wish for better job, you should vote for democrats...they will increase minimum wage & the ripple effect will create opening new jobs
  20. I think everyone should make a list of priority & ask what is the most important issue he care for: God, Guns, wages, civil right, debt etc
  21. What can a person do? What can a person change in our toxic political environment of vicious Propaganda to chose the right side?

    In the end of the day, deep inside you know there is something so horribly wrong about our just bare no result...fruitless

    For some reason this post was in draft since March 2015.
    I assume those were tweets i post that day, and since they are part of my history, i will keep them in my present form.
    I still find them worth of my attention

The Truth In Politics

It appear on twitter this morning, but then the original tweet was erased, so i felt appropriate to post this wonderful tribute to our President on my blog.
Its true I took a break from blogging, I just didn't feel like it for a long time.
Now since we have new general election coming up next year, i felt its time to start again.
What better way to start then giving tribute to the man who introduce me to the American politics, he himself, the current President of the United States, and giving him his dues in appreciation if nothing more.
"We can all agree that President Obama has had a fabulous few months. Gay marriage is now legal in all 50 states. Relations with Cuba are finally changing for the better. The numbers are improving. Six years of cool, steady patience is finally being rewarded. And to the victor goes the spoils. He is finally allowing himself to be what we already knew he was. A badass.
President Obama has taken most of the slams and accusations throughout the years with grace and dignity. He has let it roll off his back and shook his head. Often he gives the customary chuckle that We on the left know and love. What else can he do when someone treats him with such disrespect? He is forever under the microscope. Each minor misstep becomes ammunition. 
But times, they are a changin’. The last few weeks has brought out the man many of us voted for in the first place. And I couldn’t be happier.  I know why he has held his tongue. He was setting things into place. He had the structure built, it just needed time to grow. He also knew that as the first Black/White President that the scrutiny would be far worse for him than it has been for everyone else. Have you ever tried to do a job with someone over your shoulder telling you how bad you are going to mess up? I bet that was damn near suffocating at times. Finally, President Obama has come out swinging in last few months and showing that he is done with their silliness.
And so are we. Every time I am confronted by a Tea Party crazies I just give it right back! If President Obama can deal it back, so can I. Who are they to call me a Libtard? Or Feminazi? Most of them have not even read a voting record. Some of their leaders cannot name tree branches of Government. Some of them are still worried about Prayer Curtains that Obama ‘somehow’ planted way back in the Reagan days. The rest of us have moved on to climate change and foreign relations. Real problems. I'll let them keep up with the invasion of a state that is already in the Union. *face palm*
Please be warned though, some of them are really off the deep end. If confronted by one of those, just mutter something about how great Reagan was and slowly back away. Tell them you are late for a meeting at the NRA and you gotta go.
Pick your battles, change minds with facts when you can and learn to back away when its useless."
I  couldn't say this better even if i try. 