Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012 Election year in retrospective

2012 was election Year...
For the most part of the four years that our President hold office we spend struggling to make the ends meet...Most of us...The suffering crystalize what is at stake in this and any election hold previously that so many of us never really pay attention before...
This crises left no one unaware... Finally we come to realize who are the real Modern day welfare queens...
 The mythical Welfare Queens who drive Cadillac's all of a sudden get their faces on National TV, last few years we get to know them...we realize how incredible shameless they are, how unbelievable daring they are and how they live in whole alternate reality, some Parallel Universe where rules of gravity that we all live by do not apply to them...

We also come to realize that numbers don't lie...after all the media noise...all the tools of propaganda war that pour on us as a summer rain...all the paid pundits and the masterful comercials couldn't erase the history for those who went searching for the truth...

GOP may claim they are the Party of jobs creators...but history say jobs creators they are not...
It was a revelation for many of us...the revelation come especially hard for many republicans who heard the story of Government spending so many time but never bother to find out who introduce us to the spending vices...

We see how worried Republicans are about our future...we see how much they care...well they should, cause they build that spending every step of the way...GOP Presidents are the leading spenders in the White House...
-Oh, by the way...Meet the father of Debt and Deficit...GOP beloved Reagan...

It was time sanity to step's never to late to speak the Truth...
It really come to a simple choice...what kind of town we want to live in...Clean and healthy...or we want to step over each other who will get to the bottom of the money pit...Voices of reason could not reach many on the wretched right...Faithfull soldiers of special interest groups...The enablers of our Society ills...

The election stretch all year long...and with a logic like this, GOP stood no chance! 

Maybe they were thinking we will quit cause they become used to see us pulling the weight while they were taking a free ride...year after year...decade after decade...
We heard their story over and over the years...we just forget that the tune never change...Poor little rich man always whining being burden with taxes, fighting over wages and struggling with so many regulation that suck the daylight over their riches...

What GOP have to sacrifice in order to manipulate its own constituency...Numbers begin to lies...reasoning fail...fact don't mater and Science become obsolete...

What GOP could not comprehend was the simple fact...they were the only one who still remotely believe that trickle down economics stood the test of time...the culture of denial they indulge for over tree decades...we knew better...we just have no one to lead us out of modern day slavery into the better tomorrow...

We come to understand that Reaganomics is illusion...we went was not trickle that fail was the plummeting into poverty that left us on the doorstep of 21 Century...Have all and have nothing mentality...

The culture Wars that separate us on North and South...Red vs Blue...Guns and Religion...were over after one senate candidate who hold office for so long came out with his legit point of view...It was not just shocking statement...shocking do not even begin to was deep down stupid...but then another contender come up with the same variation and put in perspective everything GOP stand for: half baked Science fiction predatory moral reality toward so many of us...woman, immigrant, minority...
It was the state of mind that show us the glimpse of the future we dare not to envision...disrespectful dark ages where 21 Century meet Spanish inquisition!
Who would ever anticipate that the culture war will be over overnight!
-Shocker! Check mate GOP...
2008 I went on every campaign rally of my President then candidate hopeful...
I was electrified by his speeches...I believe every word he said...
Yet...this time around there was only one speech that seal the election...and he was not the one he deliver that speech...
It was this moment...the short 47  percent statement that reserve Romney presidential bid on the loser spot...It was the rarest of any political was the naked truth...


This election I spend time talking with people...
On twitter I spend hours debating Republicans who are absolutely persuaded that almost half of us are having free ride in our society cause they aren't paying any taxes...federal income taxes...
Romney statement wasn't anything I never heard before...
Nothing is further then the truth, but ordinary GOP people do believe in that...
I also spend time talking with people in Nevada...most of them were part of 47% that GOP look down to and I become so proud of them...they knew who lay them off...they knew who throw them with a smile on the pavement like old used shoes...they knew that no one look at their salty tears, nor care for their desperate trembling souls...and most of all, they knew that their pleading voices are being mute for so long...they knew how they are used and abused over and over...but they were not angry...they come to understand that democracy is not spectator sport...that democracy is power that feeds on participation...its not given...nothing is given, everything is worth fighting for...that there is something that make the wealthiest among us equal to the poorest among us...the right to vote... person, one vote...We can change our Government overnight...we can have Laws that will be written to benefit us...Laws, written by people Government...
Vote is the unalienable right of the small person that become the will of one they vote... Those 47% ...Standing for hours in longest lines this country ever see...and their voices speak...
They make Fox News and Gallup look ridiculous...
I am one of the Romney's 47%...I work every day, all year long...I rarely take extra day off...yet, when I file for taxes I get tax refund, cause of my mortgage deduction...
Romney was destined to lose this election cause he speak for all of the people just like him: out of touch rich people who act as victims of the Government they literally own, cause they paying for every Law and they are the one who are crafting every bill that come out of the Congress...
We knew better...We know how to win despite their money...There is something money can't buy...
Sense of pride...honor...dignity...self respect...
I don't think they will dwell upon how and why they lost...not cause they don't want to know...Its because I don't think they have capability of examining their actions over the past few decades that create the perfect storm under the sunny sky...voters tsunami they never see it coming...
I don't think they understand how much we have enough of their petty complains and their even pettier blame games...I know how right I am, cause they turn to blame Romney and his campaign and the secret video that sound so ugly even that was the most sincere statement that poor little rich man made since he start running for President...
Let them...let them live in their bubble...
Let them believe what ever they want to believe...
Proceed GOP...
The fiscal cliff is near by...the debt ceiling...
Proceed GOP...

I am glad I was part of the history...

Happy New Year...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


May this season find you in good health...may this year make your wishes come true...may we all find what we looking we all cherish memories we can treasure till our last breath...
I am humbled to share with you one of my favorite Christmas song ever...
My special gift to all of you is however the poem under the video...
Its what Christmas mean to me...remembering...



Christmas is remembering
The road to Santa Claus
The blessed time of childhood
That meant so much....because
It held the tinselled magic
Of fairlyand array,
When all the world was laughter...
And life was only play
Christmas is remembering
A tree ablaze with light,
The family gathered closely
And knowing deep delight
Exchanging gifts and sharing,
The gaiety and song
That star the festive season...
Each time it comes along
Christmas is remembering...
Our friends who're far and near,
By giving and receiving
A season always dear.
The mistletoe and holly,
As scarlet tapers glow,
The Christ Child in a manger...
So very long ago.
Hilda Butler Farr



Saturday, October 27, 2012

Mitt and GOP Mythology...They have no plan, but old worn dogmas...

Remember... Remember
That day in November...

It is almost surreal...the theater about this election...
Two diametrically different men running against each other to be the next President of the United State of America…and different just does not even compute...
We know the incumbent...
We know that skinny man with a funny name…we get used to see his face last four years frequently on our TV for good or bad...we get angry on him for the things he said and more for the things he didn't say... we went bezerk for the things he do...but most of all...what really bake our noodle was the things he didn't do...
Christmas come early this year in America...the frenzy and the wishful thinking, the season of hope and dreams. Main Street and Wall Street...everyone pop up last few months with a list of regrets…
President Obama give as the hard truth...we are on the road to recovery, but we are not there yet...
Romney, the contender, cleverly pick up every single roll of complain and he address them all...he told us what we wanted to hear...
I think there isn't a single constituency in America that the challenger Romney did not please and promise fix even he does not remember what he said when he said it but he definitely stand for what he a nutshell...that man turn us all into National mash potato!
How on Earth anyone can argue with a man who agrees with everything today and who will tomorrow deny everything he said yesterday… especially when we live in this digital age of video recorded statements? Think about it...He deny recorded statements so bluntly as he wake up every morning with a wipe out recollection and expect that we go along with him...
Horrendous...and that man is running for President and he has a whole political Party behind...
It’s hard to comprehend, but if he wins, he will turn the political landscape upside down not just here but all over the world...
New political principle will arise from our does not matter what one say’s only NOW that count...everything go...
Romney reinvent himself affront of our eyes every few days by presenting a man who has a plan...plan without presenting any detail, without any valid verification...plan that numb and neuter us all...Media pundit keep praising his glorious turnaround plan, much like in that children fable: "Emperor without the clothes" while he run around politically naked....
How on Earth can such a man get political traction in one Nation?
Guess people wanna believe that someone can turn the economy around because people are nostalgic...because people remember how well it was "Once upon a time in America" and they can't perceive where the change comes from! So many of us can’t grasp the ugly reality:
We live in a Society that promote and worship human version of Darwin's survival of the fittest! 
It's not America that is changed as much as the whole World economic stage is changed... 
We no longer compete with each other on local but global stage: and our leadership leave us toothless and claw-less in the jungle for so many generations...
We become easy prey to our corporate predators that decade after decade, election after election meticulously propagate the urban legend that only if you work hard and play by the rule just being in America it’s a guarantee of getting ahead...
No one like the bad news…People like to flock to the new prophet who promises to take them safely into the holy land...  
The reality is, people are so tired of scraping by...People just want this crises to be over!
People don’t want to hear about Romney record that has nothing in common with job creation...they don't want to hear that! All they want to hear is someone saying:
- I know how to do it...I know how to fix the economy...
So many of us just cover our ears and sing "La, la, la..." - they don't want to hear that he is nothing but corporate raider! Modern day pirate!
    No...-they say...- I only want to hear good news...
Do we really?
Do we honestly are so beaten up with this crises that we just want to forget what happen last time Republicans hold the White House and control the Congress...and the time before that...
How short is our memory?
Some say... Why bother, both Party are the does not matter who hold the White House or the Congress...those people are politically blind to say the least...those people are ignorant of history...
They expect certain change, but they don't understand that changes happen first in the soul of every one of us...changes grow every day till they reach a critical mass of support and become a norm in one Society...Politicians just respond to the changes that are swiping the electorate...politicians aren't the one who start change, they just verify the obvious...
Slaves dreamed of freedom but it took Centuries for slavery to be abolish; serf dreamed of freedom but it took Centuries till they break the landlord dependency; workers dreams of better standard of living, health care, vacation etc for Centuries...and we still so much behind with poverty ridden pockets of our Society all over the World and blurred vision of what we as Humans really fight for... 
We got Obama Care, because people wanted better health care system in America, system that will incorporate all of us, but those who wanted single payer were not so many and most of the people wanted a health care but didn't know what kind of health care they really want...and the special interest Powers seized our politicians who found themselves between a rock and a hard wonder they give us extended Insurance based Health Care...
What we  need not to forget is that it was only one Party that push for the change, one party that put its reputation on the line...the other fought tooth and nails to keep the things the way they were...status quo that serve only those who never care about a single bill, much less medical bills...
Maybe there was a Republican Grand Old Party that used to have some sound principles...but today they have nothing to offer to us, but the same old policies that did not work in the past and there isn't a single indication that they will ever work...
Today we face GOP partisanship who make pledges not to our Nation but to obsolete ideas!
Economy is just a start...GOP subscribe to idea in every walk of our Society that are not a step forward but the opposite...they lead us years backwards...
Should be no brainer...after all technology went so much ahead...but not for GOP...Listening to Akin, Murdock, West, Backman, Santorum...and Romney fish like flip flopping for political name few example that GOP serve us as their best and brightest are leaving us speechless...all I can say is that on the doorstep of 21 Century to deny Science is automatically sanity issues...
Who are those people? How did they rise to prominence in one Party?
No matter how frightening those Questions are, the worse is yet to come...
   - Who are the people who support them?
   - What is wrong with their ability to proses facts and to search for the Truth...
   - To be ignorant in this digital edge is not religious excuse...its character flaw!
If we separate the smokescreen, if we get to the bottom of GOP plans, the reality is very simple...
Winning matter to GOP…Matter more than the Truth…Matter more than the any historical facts…
Its growth they are after as they always are...Growth due to another wave of tax cuts…

Growth...growth...It was too much uncontrollable economic growth that blew up in our faces during the Bush more house and we could have landed on the moon...that's how high our economy grew...and now, we are once again pulled into the "growth agenda."

Let me break some ugly truth to all of you who dare to read my blog...
America can’t afford another tax cuts...not for wealthy and not for the middle class either...
America already has flat rate's called effective tax rate... What we actually pay in taxes no matter what tax percentage is set in the tax code!
Corporate America pay same contribution in taxes from our GDP as they did before the Great depression...some pay nothing at all while ranking record profits, swimming in cash and colecting our taxpayers money in various subsidies and chanels of Federal support...true welfare queens...
On the other hand we have our poor Government grasping for a straw underwater in the sea of public debt...
Yeah...Clever is in it...
Only in America people who lose a job blame Government and not the corporate power...
We cant get out of the crises using old ideas that may work long ago, but are outdated today...
If we want change, we need to understand the hard reality...
All the layoffs happen to protect Corporate bottom lines...Not a single Corporation lost on operations...they never do...they lost on Wall Street...they lost on stocks...they throw you on the street to go and beg on Government door and you lost your house and you run to the ground your decades of saving and you get cancer out of stress and your kids lost all their friends moving around just so Corporations will keep their portfolio looking good...not because you didn't work get that GOP dogma out of your head: working hard got nothing to do with your fortune or misfortune...none!
Corporate America has their spokesman in GOP and they planted this dogma of personal unfitness to mask the reality…
Don’t blame yourself, you did work hard...and you did play by the rules... and don't blame the Government for going on borrowing and spending binge…
- Your Government spending is nothing but the effort to do the best they can to hold the fabric of our Society together... Government spending is just attempt to patch problems that occur and where created elsewhere…
Don’t hate your Government for giving food stamps to some people, while you get nothing...and no, those people on food stamps are not all black, lazy and addicted to dependency...and no, they aren’t illegals either…they are just worse off then you are! Wretched poor...that's who they are...
And their numbers keep rising…working poor who do work but can’t even meet the bills…some work two jobs to get out of that poverty pit…
Working poor…the 47% of us…
Don't be like that woman who see her family jobless for years, who see her house foreclosed and still go to Romney rally and ask him for help! By now we should all know it was someone like him who lay her husband off and push her family into poverty!
Don't be those workers who lost their job cause their factory get shot down, but they still go to Romney rally and are so proud to chant "USA, USA"...By now, we should all know that it was someone like Romney who outsourced their jobs…and as times go by, anyones jobs could be next…The only jobs who will not be outsourced will be retail and service jobs…Everything else is on their way out…Take a look at Sensata…
Don't be that small business owner who work 14 hours a day, who never get a break but still go to Romney rally to pledge his tax plan...That plan is made just for the big Corporations...
Don't be those elders who depend on Medicare and still go to Romney rally just because they are afraid what legacy of debt they will leave to their grandchildren... You did not build that debt...and your Voucher Care will not help either!
Romney and careless people like him build our debt with their relentless pursuit of tax cuts and more tax cuts...sending our good jobs oversea... cutting every way they can on worker compensation by killing paying lobbyist to deliver deduction and exception and modify our tax code... by being proud to give tithe to their Church and deduct them as charity from their tax return...and after all the breaks they put into Laws…and after every loopholes they exhausted, when even that wasn’t good enough, they send their money in tax haven shelters…all the tax evading scams in Cayman Island, dirty Bermuda business investments or Swiss Bank accounts...
Romney and people like Romney build our debt and skip on any public investment in our Nation Physical and Human Capital by paying less and less in wonder we fall behind on Education and our Infrastructure is barely standard of 20 Century...
Romney and people as Romney rob us blind all those years and now they want to enter the White House and get the final nail in our Safety net...last thing left for them to steal from us...
Because they never got enough...
Yet they go around and they dare to blame:
   - It’s the debt stupid…it’s the debt all right, the debt they create and don’t want to pay for it…
Don’t be the person to open the door for them to the White House again…
Vultures…that’s what they are… Human pack of wolfs…
Romney is the same wolf as Bush was talking how Compassionate Christian he was...
Once in White House…only compassion GOP is able to feel is toward their own bank accounts that they nourish with tax cuts and deregulation every time they win...and true Christians will never start a War…period!
Romney is the same GOP...Wolf may change its color in winter, but it’s the same wolf from the summer...just hungry and cunning for a hunt...
GOP is after more blood...more tax cuts...don't let them in...
Tax cuts will not make us better off as a Nation...that train left the Station long before Reagan left the office...Its time to upgrade our Society with 21 Century ideas that incorporate well being of all of us, not just few...its time to face the challenges of the ever changing world...its time to outgrow GOP...
Its that simple...
Democrats may be wrong on many issues, but they got few damn right...
Poverty is not acceptable in 21 Century...
Woman have a right to choose...
Universal Health Care is perk of our civilization development ...
Standard of living is the next civil right...
Climate change is happening and we need to acknowledge that as World priority...
Many will find touch by those issues even they consider themselves Republicans...and that is OK...and that is Normal...cause Humanity don't dwell in colors of political divide...
Humanity dwell in every one of us...its that fiber that make our soul and warm our heart in the hours of great despair...
Its that feeling of Hope that is greater then the coldness of Fear...
Its that feeling of Hope that will take us forward into a New arising World Consciousness that cant accept the old dogma of yesterday...
Election is just start...
The seed of change is like a mustard seed that grow in the heart of all of us...

Remember...Remember that day in November...
No matter what you do...
Go vote ...
Why we should vote for #ObamaBiden2012


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Today dream is tomorow reality...This is our dream...WE BUILD OUR SOCIETY member at the time...

   "No man is an iland, intire of it self; every man is a peece of The Continent, a part of the maine; If a Clod bee washed away by the Sea, Europe is the lesse, as well as if a Man-nor of thy friends or of thine owne were;
Any man death diminishes me, because I am involve in Mankinde;
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee..."
                                                                                               Ernest Hemingway

Mitt Romney will run for President representing GOP and Francois Hollande is the new French President...
Two piece of info that mean so much...having in mind that they represent two political and economic policies, diametrically different as they come...
Europe is under Conservative rule implementing austerity measures more or less since the Global Stock Market crash in 2008...
Francois Hollande run against Conservative Sarkozy, against austerity, he run on platform of few peculiar anti austerity measures: increasing the minimum wage, increasing the Social safety net by hiring, putting money in ordinary people pocket directly, but not by borrowing in order to stimulate the french economy, but by taxing the wealthy who make over one million euro with tax rate of 75%...
We on the other hand, we witnessing a spectacle of unprecedented Media Propaganda Warfare...
We as people are under siege: Corporate Media saturate the air with cleverly design commercials that glorify one candidate and vilify the other...they don't present information, they taking side...they chew the data for us, and give us all the talking points like a bid on the betting score...
Both Party are playing political games "we are right, and they are wrong"...
No time to or blue...time to pick a side...
Red or Blue, the Questions is now...Red or purple...
How to make a decision between Red and Blue? What can be sanity test between them?
How to make a distinction if you are not economist, if you are not politically savvy?
How to make a decision and practice your civil right to vote and participate in our democracy?
My response is simple: The next President will shape our way of life for Generations to come, shaping the politics that will change:
- the way we educate our children,
- how we provide health care to everyone in our Society without discrimination,
- our will to commit portion of our resources to our safety net: social security and basic welfare...

Let dissect every one of those standpoint on red vs blue...

Education is escalator for the future...
In this time and age on global competition on the World Market only a Nation that invest in Human Capital aka Education can really prosper.
We all agree that Education is not just ticket to higher wages and climbing the middle class ladder...its about building a Nation of critical thinkers who will contribute in betterment of everyone lives creating new innovations..
The question we need answer to is how do we make higher education available to every child that wanna pursuit excellence?
- tuition that every student should bootstrap himself to get it on his own or with government help...
- administration processing fee as admission to any college in the country on the merits of prior scholar accomplishments...After all "Mind is a terrible thing to waste"...
Let get this cat out of the bag: I don't like ObamaCare...
I like it as much as i like my medical insurance... expensive beside that don't provide me with care i really need cause have all sort of obstacle, caps, limitation and deduction...
But its all i have, and beat the hell out of NoneCare...
The question of Health Care is not pro or against ObamaCare, nor the question is privilege or human contraire...
The question is:
- everyone should be responsible for its own health care providers coverage on a open Market;
- should everyone be incorporated under one system of health care that will provide medical assistance to everyone who need it...
In reality Social Security is retirement income for many people, their saving that they are counting on when they get older & ages slow them up.Pension of a sort...
The question of Social Security is not the question of system deficit, or percentage of contribution, nor participation... its a question of the age of retirement...
Is being seventy better choice to seventy truly the new sixty?
On the other side we have mass of our citizen that need assistance to make the ends meet...most of them do work...
The question of Welfare is not who should be eligible, nor the layers that build the strata of Government assistance, nor the term limits of it...the question of Welfare is why people who work still need Government assistance...
Can we set standard of living that will dignify everyone work?
Can we set a standard of living no working man can go below?

How we answer those question depend of what we believe in...
Who Are we as's 21 Century...we come so much ahead of the Stone age when Druid dance under the moon and pray for rain...What do we believe in today?
Do we aspire to go ahead of our time, do we look upon the stars...or we can only find solace in the past glory of generation long gone?
Do we belief that part of us will never be whole if we left half of us in the gutter of poverty...
Do we belief that people who are willing to work eight hours, five days a week deserve wages that will never send them on food stamp support? Can we set the working man free of need for Church, charity of State assistance...can we give back the working man a dignity of Independence?
Do we belief our kids need an equal shoot, not cause of pure natural sperm selection or their zip code of birth...but cause they are willing to learn and excel?
This isn't a time to's time to search one soul and stand for its beliefs...what do we belief in?
Some of us wanna grow the pie..they believe that Growth will somehow set the things strait...Grow the pie...ever wonder maybe we need to better the ingredient we use to make the pie, add nutrition rather then make it bigger, sweet & shallow!
This upcoming election it's a choice of beliefs, not who can sale better commercial or propaganda...
After this election we as a Nation will have to live with Consequences of our choices...there will be no etch a sketch option after a month, there will be Laws pass trough Congress and sigh by the President, Laws that we will have to obey and live by it Generation to come...
Its a choice where we wanna live in: in a Human Serengeti where only the strongest survive, and all the rest are left behind to slowly but surly become oblivion...Social Darwinism of highest order...or we can acknowledge that no man is an island on its own and that we can build better Society then Human Serengeti...
We are the one who build our Society...
I believe that Future is never in the's always time offer new solutions...its up to us to catch up with the changes that the horizon offers...we just need to board a train that will take us there...
Instead of living in the past, instead of cherish what was normal or good yesterday, we should look what are the options today... get on board of a Maglev train...
I don't wanna be slave owner who feel good cause he never use a whip to control his slaves... I don't wanna be slave owner...period!
I believe all people are created equal,and we should treat them as equal...principle not slogan...
I don't accept that we cant build better society on few basic principles...I accept even less the excuse that we have no money to do so...
Money are not obstacle to solve any problem in any don't build houses...human hands build a house from bottom up...Money are never obstacle...they are illusion, a whip that modern day slave owners use to control people today...
Think about it...not long a go we print so much money to safe Wall Street, to cover projected profitability of banks...trillions and trillions of dollars, every State, not just us...Europe...
We could have build Eden on Earth with them...
Money are not obstacle to build anything...our core beliefs are obstacle to build better Society... Take the money out of equation and let see the naked Human: What is his values when his strip of his possession?
What is left of him is what make him Human...ability to love and care.
We Humans created money in the dawn of time to easily exchange values of our good and services, now money exchange values of us as, race, religion, sex, gender...all bricks we create and hang around our neck...
We are not able to fly and liberate our souls cause they holding us back...
I believe that people are good by its Nature. Deep inside we are all the same..on the surface our blood seems blue,but cut will reveille its bloody red...
I believe that we can perfect every issue that is cause of animosity among us if we agree on basics with mutual consensus..
I believe that we can't control the forces of nature, that accident will happen but those things, those basic thing are our choice to make...
We are the one who build our Society... It's Human to love, not to's deeply Human to care, not to fight... to laugh not to enjoy art, not sing, not to dance not to stump upon...
We are better then any species that ever walk the face of the Earth cause its deeply human to live and help each other as one...That care lift us above any animal, that ability to understand one another
We can spend days and years in discussing the tools we can use in order to get there, how to accomplish our basic goals, but to start the debate we must agree on those core basics...
We gonna build any Society if
1. We agree that children need equal opportunity to pursuit education,
2. Sick need undeniable health care,
3. Elders need granted retirement and
4. We can afford to provide to every family higher then minimum level standard of living...
Its a start...Are you in?


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

STARVE THE BEAST, WE CAN ALL PLAY THE HUNGER GAMES...On ways our Political Establishment manipulate it's own people

We witnessing astonishing spectacle...
Election after election, Republicans and Democrats are competing between each other to please Corporate America...
When the curtain fall in 2008 and left the banking system naked affront of our eyes caught in cheating frenzy with Wall Street in the back room, soak in orgy of mysterious bundle deal on the edge of legality, our Congress run to save them in a speed of light...that was some political expediency of the highest order...
It was a dark legacy of the current Republican President, as well as the whole two Party Establishment that cheer lead economic policies who bring us to that sorry point...last three decade of same politics...with signature of a blue Democratic President if we may say, to be fair to the truth...
Someone will think that was a wake up call for our elected officials of both Party, who will put their finger on their forehead and stop to think a little...but no, they didn't...
While our political Establishment fall over backwards to save Wall Street, the misery follow so many of our Fellow Americans who were loosing their jobs like in a whirlpool...
Did the misery stop after we change the name of our political leadership in DC from red into blue?...Did we change the course? What did we accomplish since then...
Democrats win, but then they sold or watter down in compromises almost all the high hopes we as people were fighting for in 2008 political race...
They lost the midterm election so badly cause of it, our Congress get filled with newcomers under the banner of Tea happy we switch the colors again...from blue into red this time...
Silly rabbits...tricks are for kids...
Maybe some people need update...yes, the Tea Party did not bring change, they just fill someone else shoes in the process...
Upcoming election, the spectacle get new dramatic turn...
Lies we are accustom to hear election after election yet again begin to unfold affront of our eyes...
Promises of better tomorrow...promises of jobs...promises of prosperity...promises of change...promises, promises...
Pattern we are suck into like flies on a lantern in the nite...
Republican promises...
Democratic promises...
Why the charade? They are just promises...
Did we learn the lesson? How many of us wake up to the reality that there is a little difference between both Party establishment, small little fact that they serve one and the same master: Corporate America...
Our wishes, our aspiration, our dreams, our sole opinion matter so little that is pure blind faith that prevent us to see the Truth...
Do we really need another poll to show us that majority of us believe the burden of taxes should be carried by the most wealthy among that top 1% wealthy American...
Who is more pathetic, the democrats who are so gutless and are able to only beg Bush tax cuts to  expire, or Republican who scream Armageddon for pitiful 4% marginal tax increase!
Do we need another poll to tell us that majority of American don't believe our military should be involved in any War, anywhere in the world...yet wars go on, even we are so deep in debt that we are on the edge of default as a Nation...
Do we need another poll to tell us all the things that majority of us live trough day in and day out?
When we will face the reality: majority don't count...our opinion don't count...our political structure is set to serve those who send them in Washington DC, as well as in any local and judicial office all over our 50 states?
So what can we do as people?
What can we do to change anything, to change the pattern that lead us to hunger games year after year...we do pay tribute to our decadent Rich elected and their sponsors...we do sacrifice our kids to them as offer, cause we send them into the same path of indoctrination that they may win next round and move to the shiny city on the hill...
We play the hunger games generation after generation for so long...we just lived in illusion that we didn't.
Aware or not...many of us start waking up...we just don't know who is out of the bubble yet...
Occupy Wall Street was the first step...
Now we need to turn to the second...
See...this system of ours perpetuate one after another of them is called democracy...
Corporate America sale this illusion to us for so long that we all as people, we defacto can participate into decision making process, pure illusion Corporate America integrate so much into our core belief system, not realizing that they created their ultimate demise...
Cause Democracy is the ultimate flaw of this cruel system that place profit before people...
In a democracy every person vote count...
In a democracy the will of the people count...
In a democracy everything is possible...
That is why the Corporate two Party Establishment is peddling vicious propaganda of disfranchising more of us using any scarecrow possible...all the wage issues are in display: sex, race, religion, economy, anything to separate, to confuse or divide us as majority into small groups that will be easy to control.
Our very souls are on the line...
The system wanna preserve it's status affront of rising Conscience among people in every walk of life that somehow its just don't work for them...
The division, the polarization went so far that work as centrifuge...1% and 99% is just about right numeric unbalance...
Society tend to balance, no matter how unequal it is, or it will be swept into a social revolution...
Last time this numbers play a role in a Society, they lighten a royal family..for their heads...
We are not such savages...
We evolve since then...
Beside...we can vote...

Its time to set the goal straith:
We should never ever let anyone who resemble Scot Walker to run a state...
We should never ever let anyone who resembe Paul Ryan to craft a budget that will undercut the future well being of our kids and our elderly...
We should never ever let a Party that undermine half of us, the female part of us, to ever gain majority in any state of federal house, and craft any Laws ever again...
We should let that same Party to pack their coffers and get on fast track back to 18 Century where they actually belong...
Maybe Republicans, as well as the Wigs before them, have their role in our political life, but their time expire...
It's 21 Century...we need to board a fast train that will take us on the journey of progress with our eyes set into future, we don't wanna go back, not a year back, much less couple of Centuries back...
The future is not the politics of "Starve the beast" that's the past...
The future is digital, green, nano...and it's already among us...
The future is between Democrats who still believe that they can tame the Market bubbles with regulations and Progressives who believe that better Society is possible...
Sad to say this, but Republicans as political force are so insignificant for the future, that I don't even wanna mention their candidate hopeful...
It's over for GOP...
They just don't know it yet..
But they will...
Democracy is the people tool for change...and no one, no money or man can't take that away from us...

Monday, February 20, 2012

BROTHER CAN YOU SPARE A DIME? On poverty as malfunction of Capitalism and the way we soothe our Conscience

So long as there shall exist, by virtue of law and custom, decrees of damnation pronounced by society, artificially creating hells amid the civilization of earth, and adding the element of human fate to divine destiny; so long as the three great problems of the century—the degradation of man through pauperism, the corruption of woman through hunger, the crippling of children through lack of light—are unsolved; so long as social asphyxia is possible in any part of the world;—in other words, and with a still wider significance, so long as ignorance and poverty exist on earth, books of the nature of Les Misérables ( The poor ones) cannot fail to be of use.


The word that becoming more and more popular in politics of today, the word that is commonly used all over the planet as the crises is spinning out of control, is crony Capitalism…

It seams that the good old Capitalism enter a phase that capture and twist his soul from fair system of Free Market Economy into some ugly creature of some apocalyptic schizophrenic imagination, known as Crony Capitalism…and all we need to do is to go back to its basic principle in order to safe him from blowing up in our faces depleting the Natural resources, breaking every moral norm we familiar with and growing into a monster that sack the daylight of every living creature of this Planet but the top cream of the Wealthy who by the way, never ever complained at all…

Now that will be salto mortale worthy of David Copperfield grand illusion…

Those who even entertain the idea that we can turn back the clock and return to foundation of the 18 Century Capitalism need to visit a library and look beyond the economics of Mises, Friedman and Keynes, who's only job as economists was to justify and blur the reality about the sole character of the system since day one witch always was and always will be THE SAME SOLE CHARACTER of the system:  

  “Capitalism by definition is market oriented economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and motivated by profit…”

All those cheer-leading economists ever did is dressing him up in new clothes, sugarcoating his nature with sweet illusions to diminish the ugly reality...
   - Capitalism worked well yesterday, it is working well today, and it will always work perfectly well for the Wealthiest people among any given Nation...not for the majority of the common people...

Deal with it...slowly...
We can call him “Free Market Economy” as much as we want, sound so liberating, I mean is there a human on this world who do not love freedom?
Attaching freedom to its character of Market Economy is plausible, but never the less it is still the same system…
Those who adore the phrase “Free Market Economy” have themselves deluded!
There is Market they like and Market they do not want without making a clear distinction who is who:

   - What is Market anyway?

Is it a place like in those Medieval picture of merchants offering their Earth produce, a rainbow of colors, green pea, red tomato, orange carrots, ripe apples, violet grape, purple blueberries and yellow potatoes, an offers of plenty and a woman with a basket smelling the pink peaches thinking of a delicious tart she can make with them…
Is it a Wall Street  wholesale in a sole click of the button, simple blip on the computer screen, and the destinies of so many workers families are thrown into a mergers that can discard them just cause they are a cost that jeopardize the bottom line?
Market is both…
Those merchant are motivated to bring the product affront that woman and make a back for themselves, as well as the shareholders behind those clicks on the screen…
The Capitalism evolved…the place where the offer met demand become elusive but that do not change the soul of the Capitalism at all…
We like the idea of that woman freely choosing what will go into her basket…but we do not like when we are the one on display and that someone can buy and sale us without even concerning our will…we don't like the idea that our lives, our dream and our very being as human can be no more then a subject to transaction just like those peaches are!
Well...Grow up…wake up and smell the coffee…Cause we all are subject for sale, like it or not...

Sooner or letter we need to realize the reality: everything is on sale on the Market…that’s what Market Economy is…winners and losers…pick and choose…eat or be eaten by the competition...
Instead of dropping your jaw in discontent due to hurt vanity, ask yourself a hard Question:

   - Did Capitalism ever, ever work for the common people?

On the streets of London maybe?…Charles Dickens will have so many stories to tell You…
On the streets of Paris?…Victor Hugo will have so many stories to share with You…
On the streets of Chicago?…Jack London will even show You the streets cover with blood stains…

The glorious past of Capitalism that so many Republicans and Libertarians call for is this ugly reality:
- working 14-16 hours a day, six days a week, just because you need Sunday to hear the Church fathers tell you how much Jesus loves poor people...he just happened to bless the rich all  of the other days of the week...
 - winter comes along with a crises, if you are lay off, chances are you will freeze  to death ...
 - no medical plans, health care, if you get sick, and have no money for a doctor or medicine, you die...
 - children work since the age of eight, full working days, many never reach adulthood...
 - woman are valued twice as less as workers then men...
 - no public schools...You are born and you may die never to see the light of Knowledge...

Everything we have today, every so called benefit, wasn't given to us by the grace of some wealthy man, we fought for our workers right every step of the way for over two hundred year...
Nothing was given to us, we won those battles one at the time...
And then many years go by and we forget...
It is us who choose the stories of Red Barons to uphold and worship and stories of Les Miserable we tend to forget…
We like to believe in Horatio Alger “rags to riches” lifetime opportunity for every one of us...
We don’t even wanna mention that poor little servant, smaller then her broom, Cosette, much less her mother...


Portrait of "Cosette" by Emile Bayard, from the original edition of Les Misérables (1862)

Every crises that come around blow our perspective on capitalism and humanity and we feel bad for those unfortunate among us who fall trough the cracks of this merciless system and our conscience ask to help them…one way or another…charity…soup lines…Government programs…

Last couple of centuries we entertain those solutions, cause we forget our past…
We live in a digital age, but we act as history start yesterday…
Those who love capitalism, those who hate Government welfare programs, those who blame the poor for being poor, are those who forget history and therefore are bound to repeat it…
While the people were falling through the cracks of the merciless system, those who blame them, have no idea how that happen because they never bother to ask, or look, or wonder!
Fat chance that any business owner ever wonder what is happening day after people loose their jobs!

     - What are the chances to get another job in ones profession…?
   - What are the consequences for their livelihood if those being lay off are over forty and they can't compete with the young more productive working force eager to replace them for less salary or no benefits at all…
How many of those self-righteous Republicans even ask themselves:

     - When unemployed loose their houses, where do they go? What is the fabric of their live the day after? What kind of school their children all of a sudden have to go to?
We never connect the dots between us and the poor...
    - Who are the poor people anyway? Where do they come from?
We tend to judge them most of the time as lazy...or worse, cause our hard earn money trough taxes go to support them in various programs...
Ah, all those welfare queens and their babies on food stamps...
How many self righteous Republican who are so eager to cut back their food stamps ever ask: why do they grow up without parents guidance in the first place?
Do those well dressed business owners wives holding charity foundations to safe the polar bears or to help the hungry in Africa ever ask:
    - What is happening with all those teenage mother and their babies in the street of ours cities?
All those ardent pro-life supporters who condemn abortion, did they ever ask:

    - What opportunity the system offer to those high school drop outs mothers searching for a job without any education…or what time they can afford to spend with their babies working double shift, or what value they can pass in absenteeism to their children rising them from kids to adult!
Do those ardent pro-life evangelists even consider while fighting for the lives of the unborn babies, that being born is just the beginning of those babies lives! Not really, cause their fierce fight end at the maternity ward...
   - Why should they bother to ask who look after those babies growing without fathers, while their mothers need to work two jobs?
   - Who should pay attention to them?
Maybe teachers in overcrowded schools?...

Those teachers Republicans don’t really wanna pay taxes for their wages, but expect them to educate and install values in our kids?
Maybe they are the social workers responsibility?...

Those social workers who's pile of files are rising while their department budgets are shrinking cause Republicans don’t wanna pay taxes to support their wages too…
Then again, the Conservatives wing will raise its voice:
   -Why should we bother with them at all...its their parents responsibility!...
Those parents who Republicans wanna keep on minimum wage cause they do not value their common Labor forcing them to work multiple jobs just to make the ends meet?
Even worse outcome is that we don't wanna know do those babies even reach adulthood at all, or they are swept into the penitentiary system for some petty crimes they commit in order to stay alive or blend into community of the poor underworld…

Ahh, damn drug war so dear to the bleeding heart of the Libertarians wing who will legalize marijuana in a blink of the eyes, but will never shake the corporate boat of their aspiring masters, nor will change the system that breed poverty...
The accusations, the excuses, the patchwork of solution is going in circle, year after year, generation after generation, election after election...
Vicious cycle we don’t wanna see, cause its not us…its them…the poor one…Les miserables…
True modern day slaves…
And their numbers are keep rising year after year...crises after crises...

No, we don't wanna connect the dots between us and them...
We don't wanna admit that they are Us, We are them, just a few paychecks away from their destiny...just a job away from their neighborhoods...
Its easy to blame someone for a failure, but the failure is not theirs...the odds are stuck against them every step of the way...

They say poverty bread poverty...
Not True...not True at all...
    - Babies are not born poor or rich, babies are born as Human…
Poverty is not a decease one catch walking on the wrong side of the street...This economic system bread poverty every step of the way...its his DNA...
Turning a blind eye is our collective shame, not theirs...
In a land of plenty, being poor is not one person individual fault but mismanagement of our Society resources...
We can eradicate poverty overnight, but that will crash the system...
That is the ugly truth...
Its a simple mathematics that even a child can perform...
We just never set the task...
All we ever did is placing a band aid to soothe our Conscience, that we did the best we can to help fact we just helping the atrocity to continue:

   "The Worst form of violence is poverty" -Gandhi

The Republicans tragedy is that they even wanna peel that band aid, cause they never look back where they come from...
Its a level of ignorance that is amusing in a sense: They do believe they are untouchable...but so did Marie did Romanov...and Les Miserables grow so many in their time that they swept them into oblivion...
Some people learn from Marie Antoinette, some learn even more from Romanov's destiny and create the safety net that will prevent Les Miserables to roam in horde on our streets, but they accept their destiny as the way it is...
And that is equally wrong...
My dear Democrats, slave owners that never use whip lash to teach their slaves order are maybe good slaves owners but they are still slaves owners...slavery is not freedom as welfare is not wages...
Its the way we organize or economy...the way we utilize our Human resources...the way we set priority of our economic system to be...not a choice between rich and poor, have and have not...but a system of economics...
Capitalism have profit set ahead of people...
What is a minimum wage but a fertile ground for poverty...
What is any Social Program but an attempt to curve the sharp age of profiteering...
All the Laws and Regulations can't make Capitalism become Human, cause the drive for profit will always tear them a part...
Workers wages, Taxes and Regulations are just cost for the system , cost that take away from the profit, ergo the system Nature will force Capitalism to break loose of any regulation, to cut any cost...
If any of us get on the way, the system will chew and spit Us, as a side effect...strait in the gutter of Poverty...with the smile on the way down...
   -Its not personal...its just business...
Color him pink as much as anyone wanna color Capitalism pink, but the color will always be bloody red...even if it has to swirl us in yet another World War in order to get out of the crises...
The Great Depression end by giving us The World War II in 1939...

 'War is the health of the state..." Randolph Bourne

Indeed...when nothing else work, War is the ultimate Broken Window Economy...
Present day crises...we witness the clouds gathering over Middle East every day more and more...

I believe in Science that say: There is plenty for all of Us...We can do much better then vote and support modern day Holocaust known as Economic crises...
How many of Us are even aware to the call of Reason and Knowledge?
How many choose to ignore the past in order to preserve their own selfish status in the Society they are familiar with...
They say there is absolute poverty that people in the Third world Countries live in, those who lack base necessity of life and they are dying of hunger, malnutrition or preventable diseases, while their leaders bath in diamonds up high on the hill...
Then there is relative poverty that half of the people live in the well develop countries in the World, and its not just those who live below or around the set standard of living also known as poverty line...its the rest of us, Us, the 99 % who sadly buy into widely extended poverty line with credit illusion of well being...the last forty years...Cars, furniture, vacation, even all the kitchen gadget we ever posses were due on credit...true...we own nothing but our names on a monthly bills...
Then there is a brand of people  we rather not Mention cause most of us depend on their will...
They are those people with rare ability to justify and support the ugly reality around them even when they know very well whats going on and even they can do plenty about it, but they rather don't!
Its not ignorance that drive them...its not their inability for compassion...its deep rooted poverty of their soul, disability we can't see, but we sure as hell feel their pressure in our everyday lives...
No one is safe from those creature that hold the Wealth of the World in their fingertips, but are so miserable that they can't value other people Humanity more then they value their own Portfolios...
People who will applaud the idea of children janitors, or who will bluntly admit that they do not care about the poor, cause they have their safety net to hold them while working relentlessly to tear that Safety net apart...
People who  think that they are much higher on the scale of Humanity cause they are better off then Les Miserables... 